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    TVBS 30 結果共1,261筆

  • Community rallies to support comatose man’s medical bills

    A Singaporean man named Jake fell into a coma on his first day visiting Taiwan, prompting a fundraising campaign to cover his medical expenses. The campaign has raised 89,000 Singapore dollars (about NT$2.09 million) as of January 18. Jake was airlifted back to Singapore after a month-long hospital stay, but remains in a vegetative state. His hospital expenses and air ambulance charges have depleted his family’s savings, amounting to 66,166 Singapore dollars (approximately NT$1.55 million). Currently receiving treatment at Singapore General Hospital’s intensive care unit, Jake’s nightly charges are 426 Singapore dollars (roughly NT$10,000). Although he regained consciousness on December 30 and was transferred to a general ward, severe brain damage prevents him from communicating with his family. Despite this, Jake has made progress in physical rehabilitation, being able to sit up, stand with support, and actively learn to walk.
    2024/01/18 14:17
  • Lai Ching-te pledges NT$160M in election funds to charity

    DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te announced that the NT$160 million in election subsidies won by the party will be donated to charitable causes and used to care for founding members and further the education of young party workers. Lai expressed gratitude to the citizens for their support, noting that each vote contributed NT$30 to the subsidy. The subsidies will be distributed in three equal parts, with one part going back to the central party, another part assisting founding members and providing scholarships or grants for young DPP members, and the final part being donated to charitable causes, following the tradition of past legislators and representatives.
    2024/01/17 18:42
  • NCKU tops most favored university list by companies in 2024

    National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has been named the top university in the ’Most Favored University Among Companies 2024’ survey by Cheers Magazine. The top ten universities include NCKU, National Taiwan University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chengchi University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Central University, National Taipei University of Technology, and Tamkang University. In terms of private universities, Tamkang University ranks first, followed by Fu Jen Catholic University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Feng Chia University, and Soochow University. The survey also revealed a significant increase in the number of professional and technical institutes among the top 30, surpassing general private universities. Minghsin University of Science and Technology and Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages experienced the largest climb in rankings, closely monitored by the semiconductor industry. Notably, National Chengchi University excelled in the high-tech services industry, while Soochow University stood out in the finance industry as the only private university in the top five. The survey, conducted by Commonwealth Magazine, gathered data from 2,000 major companies’ HR departments and received a response rate of 30.39%.
    2024/01/17 14:54
  • Venue shift for Asian volleyball: Indonesia replaces Taiwan

    The Asian Men’s U20 Volleyball Championship, originally scheduled to be held in Taiwan in July, has been relocated to Indonesia, according to the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC). The change of venue was reportedly triggered by a protest from China, although the Chinese Taipei Volleyball Association has not confirmed this. The competition, originally planned for July 20 to 27, will now take place from July 23 to 30 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The outcome of the Asian U20 Men’s Championship will impact eligibility for next year’s FIVB Volleyball Men’s U21 World Championship. China has refrained from sending teams to sporting events in Taiwan since the 2017 Universiade Taipei. In December of last year, China expressed its desire to change the host country and submitted a protest, leading to a voting procedure. The final decision was made during an online meeting organized by the AVC.
    2024/01/17 14:48
  • Taiwan battles decade-high flu epidemic with over 127K cases

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a high flu epidemic, with 127,000 emergency visits due to influenza-like illnesses caused by adenoviruses and influenza viruses. In the span of a week, there were 42 new severe flu complications, including cases of Type A H1N1, Type A H3N2, and Type B. The patients ranged in age from less than 10 years old to over 90 years old, with 30 cases where influenza vaccinations were not received. Eleven deaths were reported during this period, with victims from Type A H1N1, Type A H3N2, and Type B influenza. Eight of the fatalities did not receive flu vaccinations, and the youngest death was a 7-year-old girl from the north, making her the youngest fatality of 2024.
    2024/01/16 17:56
  • Survey reveals 58% of part-timers face wage issues

    58% of part-time workers in Taiwan have faced wage issues, misleading job ads, and illicit contracts, according to a survey by Yes123 Job Bank. The platform advises job hunters to follow a list of "seven don’ts" and "four musts" to protect themselves. The survey also found that a record-breaking 87% of university students plan to work part-time over the winter break, with reasons including earning living expenses and gaining social experience. Of the respondents, 65% reported receiving wages lower than the government’s minimum wage, with some not even being insured. Only about 30% actively negotiated or reported these issues. Yes123 spokesman Yang Tsung-pin urged job seekers to prioritize labor rights and work safety.
    2024/01/16 17:20
  • 獨/小商人再爆林國慶與黑道酒店同歡 律師:已提告妨害名譽

    2024/01/10 18:08
  • 獨/才認負債2300萬!本土男星驚爆「走私」被抓:不知道法規

    2024/01/08 11:44
  • Taipei to reoffer free 30-minute YouBike rides

    The Taipei City Department of Transportation will announce the implementation date of the free 30-minute YouBike rental policy after the 2024 budget is passed. The policy aims to reduce carbon emissions by 40% and increase the use of green transportation to 70% by 2030. It was previously implemented in 2012 but ended in 2015. A public opinion poll in 2023 showed support for the policy among motorcyclists and the YouBike community, with over 60% of motorcyclists willing to switch to using YouBike for short trips. To address potential bike shortages, the department has added 1,780 bikes in May and 1,500 bikes in December 2023, increasing the availability of bikes citywide from 80% to 90%. In 2024, the department plans to add another 6,000 YouBikes and improve scheduling and personnel to meet the increased demand.
    2024/01/05 18:11
  • Premier Chen defends Medigen vaccine confidentiality deal

    Premier Chen Chien-jen discusses the pricing process and confidentiality agreements surrounding Medigen vaccines, stating that negotiations with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are ongoing. As a publicly listed company, any decisions about publicizing the government contract require shareholders’ approval. Chen emphasizes the government’s belief in vaccination as the best measure against the pandemic. Medigen had positive results from phase one trials and clinical experiments, leading to phase two development. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted unity trials with four other countries after being unable to proceed with phase three trials due to Taiwan’s low COVID-19 case statistics. Chen disputes rumors about a 30-year embargo on clinical results, calling it fake news and clarifying that all official documents have a preservation period. He also refutes accusations that over a thousand Medigen shareholders are members of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), calling them "imaginary numerical figures." Chen hopes to disclose the information as soon as possible to maintain public trust, but it can only happen after negotiations and respecting existing confidentiality agreements.
    2024/01/03 17:07
  • 回顧日航「1985重大墜機事故史」!起飛30分鐘失控 撞高山520人斷魂

    2024/01/02 22:03
  • DPP’s Lai-Hsiao lead KMT rivals in latest Taiwan polls

    The United Daily News pre-closure poll shows that Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, maintain a 5-percentage-point lead over their Kuomintang (KMT) rivals, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. The Lai-Hsiao ticket received 32% support, while the Hou-Jaw ticket received 27%, a decrease of four percentage points from previous polls. Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu, the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, trailed with 21% support. Among different age groups, the Ko-Wu ticket led among voters aged 20 to 39 with a 42% support rate. Among 40-59 year-olds, the Hou-Jaw ticket led by 1%, and among voters over 60, the Hou-Jaw ticket polled at 37%, while the Lai-Hsiao ticket polled at 35%. The survey was conducted from Dec. 26-30, 2023, with a sample size of 1,215 adults. The sampling error is within plus or minus 2.8 percentage points at a 95% confidence level. The survey used a dual telephone register for random sampling, including landline and mobile phones, with weighting by gender, age, and population structure. The funding for the survey came from United Daily News.
    2024/01/02 15:45
  • 全台藍軍1139路口拜票 侯站本命區板橋

    2024/01/02 13:38
  • TVBS封關民調! 賴蕭、侯康差距3%柯盈下滑

    2024/01/01 22:21
  • TVBS封關民調/副總統辯論落幕!賴侯最新差距曝光 柯文哲不增反減

    2024副總統電視辯論今(1)日下午登場,《TVBS 民調中心》於晚間公布封關民調,結果顯示經過辯論之後,民進黨「賴蕭配」支持度33%,國民黨「侯康配」為30%,至於民眾黨「柯盈配」為22%。
    2024/01/01 21:09
  • 施明德傳「肝癌復發、一度命危」 北榮院長:病情有進步

    2023/12/31 13:22
  • 總統大選辯論 32%民眾約625萬選民收看

    2023/12/30 23:48
  • 總統大選辯論32%民眾 約625萬選民收看

    2023/12/30 23:44
  • TVBS民調/辯論會後「賴侯支持度降」 逾8成民眾會去投票

    2024總統大選倒數2週,三位候選人唯一的一場電視辯論會在今(30)日下午舉行。TVBS 民調中心也針對這場辯論會進行調查,有超過8成民眾聽完辯論後表示會去投票、5%不一定、13%不會去投票,推估投票率恐低於4年前實際投票率。另外在總統候選人支持度方面,僅有「柯盈配」小幅提升,賴蕭配及侯康配的支持度則有些微下滑。
    2023/12/30 22:10
  • TVBS民調/總統辯論會支持度出爐 33%民眾:賴清德表現最好

    2024總統大選倒數14天,三位候選人唯一的一場電視辯論會在今(30)日下午舉行,本場電視辯論會,估計約有32%民眾、625萬選民收看。TVBS 民調中心也針對這場辯論會進行調查,其中有收看的民眾,約有33%認為賴清德表現最好,另外侯友宜和柯文哲的支持度,也分別有24%。
    2023/12/30 21:48
  • 總統辯論/侯友宜算總帳 嗆賴清德:不管新北疫情只關心萬里老家

    2023/12/30 14:34
  • 2024總統大選辯論會12/30登場 14:00直播鎖定TVBS新聞網

    2024總統大選進入白熱化階段,總統、副總統電視辯論會備受矚目,12月30日(週六)率先登場的是總統辯論會,經抽籤確定發言順序,依序為賴清德、侯友宜、柯文哲,並由5家代表媒體提問。《TVBS新聞網》也將從13:55~17:00開始為您直播,由主播王馨儀、文化大學新聞系教授莊伯仲帶您即時掌握重點,還有主播與您線上互動 ,歡迎留言分享。13:55~17:00開始為您直播,由主播王馨儀、文化大學新聞系教授莊伯仲帶您即時掌握重點,還有主播與您線上互動 ,歡迎留言分享。
    2023/12/30 11:00
  • 總統辯論30日登場! 會後TVBS將公布民調

    2023/12/29 22:22
  • 冷空氣接力!這天濕冷「最凍12度」 跨年連假天氣一次看

    2023/12/29 20:15
  • 總統辯論30日登場! 會後TVBS將公布民調

    2023/12/29 19:21
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